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  • Writer's pictureStar Saiyan

John 14:25-28

After Jesus made the connection between loving Jesus and keeping His call, Jesus made even more promises. One of them is the promise of the Helper (AKA the Holy Spirit), which Jesus reiterated. Repetition is often used to emphasize a point for remembrance. But Jesus elaborated a bit more -- He talks about how the Holy Spirit will "teach [them]" and "bring to [their] remembrance all things that [He] said" (14:26). Even today, the Holy Spirit can teach Jesus's ways and even help us remember Jesus's calls should we somehow forget them.

Additionally, Jesus made the promise of peace for the disciples. Unlike the world, Jesus gives peace to the disciples (14:27). According to Merriam-Webster, one of the meanings of "peace" is "freedom from disquieting or oppressive thoughts or emotions". Jesus wants the disciples to not be troubled or afraid (14:27) -- likely from the availability of peace from Jesus.

In fact, Jesus proclaims that if the disciples love Jesus (AKA obey Jesus's call), they would actually rejoice when Jesus goes away because Jesus is actually coming to the Father, which is greater than Jesus (14:28). Although getting separated is sucky, the instance can be a source of joy and even peace because of where Jesus is going.

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