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  • Writer's pictureStar Saiyan

John 17:4-5

Updated: Aug 30, 2020

While Jesus asked the Father for glorification, Jesus talked about how Jesus glorified the Father on Earth. According to Merriam-Webster, "glorify" means "bestowing honor, praise, or admiration", and Jesus definitely did that because his actions reflect the character of the Father and maintained His link to the Father.

Additionally, Jesus talked about how he "finished the work" that the Father gave Jesus to do (17:4). Jesus was referring to a specific type of work (notice "the work") that He finished, and from surrounding passages like 17:6, Jesus was referring to the earthly work of demonstrating who the Father is (as well as Jesus's link) by actions and proclamations -- especially to the original disciples. Later actions are essentially more credentials that give Jesus's prior proclamations more grounds of validity.

Then Jesus reiterated his request to Father for the Father to glorify Jesus. In particular, Jesus was referring to "the glory which [He] had with [the Father]" (17:5). Jesus had intimate connection with the Father ever since the very beginning (hence the glorification).

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