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  • Writer's pictureStar Saiyan

John 3:16-17

Updated: Jun 26, 2020

And here we are to one of the most iconic verses of the Bible! Yippee!

John 3:16 is one of the most well known verses to the point that it has been on football signs. In fact, this verse was one of the first verses in the Bible that I memorized to heart. And for good reason! John 3:16 is the verse that summarizes what Jesus did and what we should do.

First up, God sent his Son Jesus to the world because he loved the world. John 3:17 further clarifies that the reason of coming is not to "condemn" (sentence to punishment) but to "save". From previous verses like 3:7, we need to be born again. Figuratively, "born again" conveys a sense of renewal, and if we're honest, all of us (yes, that includes myself) have done some not-so-good stuff that doesn't end well for us. Repairmen know that when something is messed up, it needs to be either fixed or discarded. However, for Jesus's coming, he intends to "save" us, and the reason being that he loves us.

Additionally, we also know from later events that the giving of the begotten Son can reference the cross and resurrection. Despite not breaking any of God's rules, Jesus still died a nasty death, but he later became alive around three days later to demonstrate that death can be overcome by his power.

Finally, Jesus promises that when we believe in Jesus, we "should not perish but have eternal life". Believing in Jesus is essentially accepting that we need Lord Jesus (who is Son) to renew us and counting on Jesus and his resurrection for personally renewing us as Savior. That's it for us. Jesus as Lord (and Son) rules over death and shows us how to be saved and Jesus as Savior does the saving itself. When we believe in Jesus, we are guaranteed everlasting life that would ultimately not end.

For the readers who decided to accept Jesus and count on Him for saving us, you are guaranteed eternal life. I don't have a "I raise my hand" button or "I accepted Jesus" button because faith starts internally. (You can raise your hand though.)

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